Parasitic Wasp Eggs?

This caterpillar’s short life was interrupted by something. I thought at first a fungus, but after a bit of research I think the white blobs are actually insect eggs, probably from a parasitic wasp whose larvae are growing up inside the dead caterpillar. Yuck…

Parasitic Wasps

It’s been all about moths lately, but there are other insects about. One great thing about moths is the wealth of information about them online. The same is not true for wasps and I can’t even get close to identifying these two that I photographed last month, despite getting some quite okay pictures. They are probably some type of parasitic wasp that lays eggs in other insects, but there’s just too many species - a huge diversity of around 6,500 species, just in the UK - so I’ve thrown in the towel on ever working out what they might be. These wasps typically synchronise their appearance with that of their hosts, usually with more appearing later in the summer. I’m hoping this will include some of the more spectacular big & brightly coloured ones which I might be able to identify.