Fantastic Bugs

More photos from our French trip. It’s always amazes me to see the number of grasshoppers and crickets that you get in the South of France. Here are some really of the larger and more impressive ones I managed to photograph in the French Alps. There’s a lot of species and I didn’t identify them all yet, but they are all beautiful - especially the Small Alpine Bush Cricket on the left.

This beautifully marked Wasp Spider is also amazing; apparently you do get them in the South of England, but I’ve never seen one in UK myself. The dragonfly is a Continental species as well - a Small Pincertail - not sure what the pincers on the tail are for, but this one was easy to photograph sunning itself by the riverside. Finally, with its iridescent blue wings, a not-very-healthy-looking Carpenter Bee found in the Cevennes. These exotic looking solitary bees, one of two similar-looking species found in France, make their nest cavities by boring into dead wood,

Back from Holiday

Back after holidays, but due to lack of time there’s not too much to report from the garden.

The only new species I added lately was a very impressive, but too fast to photograph, Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria, #543). I did get a nice photo of this much slower-moving female Speckled Bush Cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima, #198) ambling through the Hazel trees. Birding wise I didn’t have too much time to check, but there were some migrant Chiffchaffs in the trees, the last House Martins overhead and a Barn Owl calling around the village the a few nights this week. All rather autumnal.

#198 Speckled Bush Cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima)

#198 Speckled Bush Cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima)